Paris Commercial Court overturns ban on Israelis at Eurosatory

Eurosatory 2024  credit: Reuters/Benoit Tessier
Eurosatory 2024 credit: Reuters/Benoit Tessier

In response to an appeal by the Israel-France Chamber of Commerce, the court ordered the ban to be lifted immediately.

The Paris Commercial Court has overturned the ban on Israelis visiting the Eurosatory defense exhibition in the city, website N12 reports. This morning, lawyers for the Israel-France Chamber of Commerce obtained a ruling reversing the decision of the court in Bobigny to bar Israelis connected to Israeli defense companies from entering the Eurosatory exhibition, which began yesterday. This was in addition to the exclusion of Israeli companies from participation in the event imposed by the French Ministry of Armed Forces.

This was not an appeal by the event organizers, Coges Events, but a separate proceeding, at the end of which the court ordered that all bars on entry to Eurosatory should be cancelled. It is not clear what the consequences of the ruling will be, and how far it is dependent on the result of the appeal due to be heard today in another French court.

One of the lawyers who filed the petition on behalf of the Israel-France Chamber of Commerce, Patrick Klugman, published the decision of the president of the Commercial Court on the X social media platform. The decision states that the measures against Israelis at Eurosatory constitute discrimination, and that they should be cancelled immediately.

The Israel-France Chamber of Commerce, backed by the Israel Manufacturers Association, has also filed an appeal in the High Court in Paris (La Cour de cassation), demanding that the ban on Israelis at Eurosatory should be cancelled within 48 hours.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on June 18, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Eurosatory 2024  credit: Reuters/Benoit Tessier
Eurosatory 2024 credit: Reuters/Benoit Tessier
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