Perion social campaign platform awarded Google certification

Doron Gerstel Photo: Eyal Yitzhar
Doron Gerstel Photo: Eyal Yitzhar

MakeMereach is a platform that enables agencies and advertisers to fully optimize their social campaigns.

Israeli data-driven ad and search solutions company Perion Networks Inc. (Nasdaq:PERI: TASE:PERI) announced today that its social ad tech subsidiary MakeMeReach has been awarded the official Google Premier Partner Badge. MakeMereach is a platform that enables agencies and advertisers to fully optimize their social campaigns.

Google certification allows MakeMeReach to integrate Google Ads Suite into its existing tech stack and marks the company’s official launch in the US. This recognition also comes on the heels of MakeMeReach’s recognition as a partner of Facebook Marketing, Twitter and Snapchat.

Google certification represents a major expansion in strategy and vision for MakeMeReach; advertisers will now gain a broader, more fully-informed perspective on the online journeys of today’s digital consumers.

MakeMeReach lets clients unite the power of social and search advertising into one platform-with the strategic goal of maximizing cross-channel campaign performances. This unified platform is advanced through the deep partnership between MakeMeReach and its sister company, Undertone, Perion’s platform for synchronized cross-platform digital branding.

Undertone’s integration of singularly effective creative advertising and AI-driven media have made it an essential partner for the world’s most prominent brands and advertisers. As the larger digital advertising ecosystem continues to evolve and innovate, the integration between MakeMeReach and Google, as well as Undertone’s membership in the Coalition for Better Ads, are important towards fostering a more transparent and trusted advertising environment.

MakeMeReach president Pierre-Lou Dominjon said, "Consumers’ online buying habits and buying journeys are complex and interdependent, no longer attributable to a single ad impression. They must be understood in terms of a succession of touchpoints and complementary messages distributed across social networks and other channels-of which Google is the leader. We recognize that advertisers must understand the impact of their ads within their overall strategy and can no longer afford to analyze and optimize online ad campaigns in silos. This integration of Google will help give them the tools and insights they need on both social and search advertising channels."

Perion acquired MakeMeReach in 2015.

Published by Globes, Israel business news - - on October 16, 2018

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Doron Gerstel Photo: Eyal Yitzhar
Doron Gerstel Photo: Eyal Yitzhar
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